
Showing posts from June, 2017

Day 30

June 30th 2017 Well, I made it to the end of the month. I missed a couple of days but mostly kept to the quick post every day and mostly kept to the practicing gratitude ideal I set for myself. And I don't know. I mean I guess it's become kind of a habit. There's been some tough days this month and it's been hard but I feel like going to the effort of trying to find something good in every day is worth it. It's not like it's hard to do, and I think it helps to rewire your brain. To stop seeing so much bad stuff everywhere... Anyway, I guess I'll keep going.

Day 29

July 29 2017 Miss Em went to Victoria today to see her Nana and Grandad for a week. She's been so excited about this trip. She had paid for it with her own money and has been counting down the days. We left with a decent amount of time and made it to the airport with the perfect gap for bag drop and getting through security. Except that Jetstar bag drop was SO SLOW. Nevermind though, it was all good and we made our way up to the gate to wait for boarding. Here in Australia you can go through security and get to the gates for either departures or arrivals for domestic flights. And our security process is so much easier too. No taking shoes off or stress - they even let you carry your coffee through! (I put it in the tray for them to xray but they said to carry it haha. ) She ended up being delayed on the tarmac for a good half hour or so but she made it safely over to her Grandparents 4 ish hours later.

Day 28

June 28 2017 Tonight was the Arts Royale at the High School. We got to be super ridiculously proud of our artistic little minions. Miss Em performed a monologue for drama and was super impressive, naturally. The Little Dude (who is not so little anymore), had his work featured in the art exhibition. They are growing up to be such lovely people, all of them. It makes my heart full to bursting some days 💓💓💓

Day 27

June 27 2017 Today is the realisation that we are half way through 2017. Half way. I have been forward business planning today for events that are not going to happen until the end of the year. And last night, we talked about 2018 and it didn't seem that far away. WTFudge, universe. This whole getting older and time seems to speed up is not a pleasant sensation. In the meantime, here is a joyful little nugget of wisdom from Instagram.

Day 26

June 26 2017 Today was ... the Ever Awesome Husband wearing his accountant hat doing our business books. Our financial year ends in 3 days and they've been a bit neglected lately. Today was watching Veronica and Hurricane literally drooling over Eden's new mice. Poor dogs, all they can see is dinner. Today was playing with Penelope Wonderwoman and the pure joy in her face at uninterrupted play time with Mummy. THE BEST 💓💓💓 Today was a reminder of how good life really is.

Day 25

June 25 2017 No I didn't forget yesterday - but we were on a date weekend! No kids for 24 full hours!! We went vintage shopping, then up to the Crown Casino complex for the night. We wandered around the Casino and marvelled like little kids at the lights - and marvelled in somewhat disbelief at the people just spending so much money on the slot machines. We also saw a very cool magic show, which was AMAZING! It was The Illusionists and was so much fun. I think I really needed some adult time, and to get out of the house. So good 💓

Day 23

So this little post a day is really starting to become a habit. Yay! So yeah ... we live in a zoo. We now have three dogs, three goldfish and three mice. I SO want to say three blind mice, but I alas they have full vision seemingly. So now that you all have that little nursery rhyme in your head 😂😂 Annnnnyway .... here is the super cute Penelope Wonderwoman with her best buddy the Hurricane crazy dog.

Day 22

June 22 2017 The mood has somewhat improved around here - the chaos has not however. Moving in just over 2 weeks means the place is starting to get kinda messy and disorganised.... Oh yeah ... and The Social One and The Boyfriend bought their first pet together. Mice. They bought three mice. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

Day 21

June 21 2017 Winter Solstice.  It definitely felt like the shortest daylight hours of the year. Maybe the weather is just matching the mood around here. Anyway - power of positivity - what's great is the working from home in my pjs with my dogs element of each day.

Day 20

June 20 2017 I really wish I was somewhere else. We all have those days right?  Also Penelope's skinned knees 💓

Day 18

June18th 2017 Watching House Hunter shows tonight and it just makes me want to live in Connecticut. It's so pretty with the changing leaves and 'oldness' of it. Plus, you know, Gilmore Girls.

Day 17

June 17th 2017 We live in a spectacular part of the world. Today is all about an appreciation of that. I saw a photo on my Instagram feed a friend had taken that was a massive 'v' formation of pelicans flying. It just made me think of how lucky we are that something that spectacular can be so commonplace. Just my little ramble for today. Here is Rockingham Beach.

Day 16

June 16th 2017 Penelope Wonderwoman literally has the worlds best bed hair. I think I'm going to be sad when she gets all girly and hair-vain. Also today, Hurricane is *finally* starting to lose the emaciated-losing-fur-starving-street-dog look that her literal allergic to everything gut was causing. We found a dog food that is fish and chickpea based. No red meat proteins, no gluten, no rice, no allergy everything. And double bonus points, it's a  Australian made and owned and 100% natural. And she loves it, is scratching way less, her fur is growing back and she is gaining weight! Yay!!  Seriously though, how on earth did we manage to find a dog that is legitimately allergic to meat??!!

Day 15

June 15th 2017 Yeah.... I forgot yesterday. Yesterday was ... being disappointed at finding out our dreams for the house changes don't match our budget. Yesterday was full of a painful back and arguments with teenage girls, which meant lots of tears. Today is a new day, apologies made and dreams slightly revised. Today is watching Penelope Wonderwoman play with her toys, working in pjs and remembering that slow progress is far preferrable to burn out and no progress. Today is thankful that I have someone who reminds me of all of the good we have in our life. Today is all good. 💕🌵🌼

Day 13

June 13th 2017 You know those days where you start to do something and then you just have to get this other thing sorted, and then before you can finish that something else needs doing in order to finish it .... You get my drift. Today was that day. So, yeah.

Day 12

June 12th 2017 Ahhh Monday. Start of the working week, just another day when you work for yourself. But what Monday does mean here in my little world, is .... drumroll please .... TWIN PEAKS DAY!!! So if you don't know what that is you can google it and have my supreme condolences for missing out. Anyway, a little trip to Kmart for some paper today and this little pink flamingo neon light jumped right off the shelves and into my hands. Honestly, it just happened, it was clearly meant to be. After all, who would not want a pink neon flamingo in their home?! Obviously not me, I mean, obviously I wouldn't not want one. It's so lovely that I brought it into the bedroom while I watched Twin Peaks (because everyone else is weird and doesn't like it). So here for your viewing pleasure, is my beautiful Frankie the Pink Flamingo. (Yes, I named her. No that's not weird at all). She gives everything a lovely Twin Peaks style glow and she is definitely the best $20 I have...

Day 11

June 11th 2017 The Little Dude was off at a friends' house this weekend, and Em went to the movies. With the Social One and the Ever Awesome Husband working, it definitely didn't feel like a Sunday. Penelope Wonderwoman and I were super productive though, clearing out her bedroom in anticipation of her very much smaller room in the new place. While I still feel like she has an over abundance of toys, she did a great job understanding the concept of donating things she doesn't play with. We sorted a massive pile and we have successfully reduced her toys to what fits on her shelves. She does still have her kitchen and easel, but everything is organised, neat and is only stuff she actually uses. Then tonight we made labels that have words and pictures for her toy tubs, so she can clean up herself! She also has been learning the concept of 'something in, something out', so with her birthday coming up I definitely reiterated that a lot today!

Day 10

June 10th 2017 Reeeeaally battling some wanderlust at the moment. Wishing we were doing what we had planned on doing - seeing both our Dad's for their 70th birthdays this year. Wishing we were getting on a plane on going somewhere far away ... wishing I could spend just 24 hours away from the children ... *sigh* But, gratitude flip, we are moving into our own home in one month!! That is amazing and so exciting! I actually cannot wait. Here's the youngest munchkins doing some art creating for their new rooms today...

Day 9

June 9th 2017 Today was all about planning / organisation for our move, which is now only 1 month away!  We also bought Penelope Wonderwomans' birthday presents, as she turns 4 very soon. FOUR!!! Can you believe it? She is getting a new 'big person' bed, and a record player. She actually loves playing records and a couple of weeks ago we got a few vintage kids records. She was in heaven! Her room is all planned out, and I can't wait to decorate it and show you. In the meantime, here is a little view of one of my favourite things, our photo gallery wall.

Day 8

June 8 2017 Penelope Wonderwoman being Yoda, playing with Furbacca