Today is a stay at home do nothing kind of day - I don't even plan on getting out of my pj's. And so as I sit here and reflect on the past year it occurs to me that it has been pretty full on! So I thought I'd do a post on what happened, month by month. So much can change in 12 months, it's interesting to look back and remember things.....I wonder what 2014 will bring? January ...saw as it always does, Miss Emily's birthday and mine as well as a big cross country move! On the way Penelope gave us quite the scare before we knew she was Penelope that is, and proved to us that she really is destined to be a superhero! My Dad and The Awesome One packing our shipping container for the move Driving across the Nullarbor Plain on the way to Western Australia February came and we found out that our Little Lord Nibbler was actually going to be Little Lady Nibbler! The kids started school for the year, The Awesome One set up my art studio and I star...
It's been a little while since I posted on here so to make up for it you get to see Penelope in action! I'll have a few videos of the Little Miss later in the post so you can see her giggle and play. So on to what's been happening around here the last week or so: well.....last night was a momentous occasion! Or should I say this morning? Little Miss Penelope slept all night for the very first time!!! Yep, that's right. I got a full 7 hours sleep in a row for the first time in over 6 months! I did wake around 5:30am and peered over into her cot from my bed. I could see her starting to stir a little so I closed my eyes and went back to blissful slumber and the next thing I knew it was 6:30am and she was happily talking to herself, wide awake and smiling. She was happy to have big cuddles with her brother when he got up. It was very exciting, so excuse me while I relish in the moment of what a full nights' sleep actually feels like! The Eldest One has ta...
Well it's the very last day of 2015. Time to reflect on the year that's behind and ponder on the year that is to come. 2015 was a difficult year and one I am happier than normal to see the back of. There have been so many opportunities over the last twelve months for me to say "why me?". And in all honesty, there have been so many times where I just couldn't cope. My mental energy to deal with all the assorted crap that has been thrown, was zapped and useless. This year more than any other, has seen me falter in my normal optimism and cheerfulness. I have hidden myself away, I have cried and I have sunk into some pretty deep black holes. I don't need to go into details of what went on; those who need to know, know. And for those who don't know, just trust me when I say that we've dealt with some very serious and heavy (for want of a better word) stuff. And it's been exceptionally difficult. But you know what? I'm okay. I ...
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