Days 47-48
July 17-18 2017
Monday was less than productive but in the spirit of #smallwins, we did get a couple of small but significant things done.
One, we got a new toilet and the leaking (well, constantly dripping more like) kitchen tap both got fixed. The plumber is seriously my Superhero of the Week. Such a gross job, but now we have a shiny new white non grungy, non leaking (yes, it was) toilet!! YAY!!
Very little got done in the way of unpacking, however we managed a walk / ride out in the winter sunshine to make sure the kids knew which way to go to get to school from our new home. We are less than 2km and they've been catching the bus (which they hate and was costing us $12 a week for the two of them.
Seeing as we are so close, they can ride (or walk, as apparently 15 year old girls are too cool to ride). It took 12 minutes to walk and obviously less than that for The Dude to ride. Aaaaaaand it's free. Cue happy dance hahaha.
So then yesterday was a great day. Back to school (yay!), and glorious sunshine! I got a tonne of reorganising done and the house is looking more like a home and less like a hoarders haven.
My goal for today (Wednesday), is to get our bedroom organised.
Wish me luck!!
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