
Showing posts from July, 2017

Days 59 - 60

July 30 - 31 2017 WETTEST JULY FOR 43 YEARS!!! Sorry for yelling but I am going crazy over here. 25 days of the last 31 have been raining. And here in Westetn Australia we tend to have almost monsoonal rain. It gets heavy very quickly, then turns off very quickly. So not much drizzle. But it has seriously barely stopped. And because it gets so heavy we have a major mini flash flood situations happening on multiple roads, EVERY time. 😑 Anyway, cue the inevitable winter head cold and I'm kinda over it all. Today though I did some serious Halloween planning to try and make my brain feel less fog-like. 3 months till the best time of the year!!

Day 58

July 29 2017 Today The Social One and The Boyfriend head off on a trip to England, all by themselves!! They've been counting down the days recently and were just so excited. Of course Myles is British so they are staying with his family for most of the time they are there which does give me a fair bit of comfort. I know they are going to have an amazing time and I'm only slightly jealous that I'm not heading off somewhere 😂

Day 57

July 27 2017 I am so over our winter. Seriously, this rain and grey cloud blanket needs to disappear quickly. Ugh. Nevertheless, the monsoon like wet weather (yes, it really does turn on and off, full force like a tap) has had me inside finishing up our hallway 💓 The photos are changeable, and I can add things as I want. It's only marker so it really won't be an issue to paint over when we want to change it in the future. I love it.

Days 55 - 56

July 25 - 26 2017 New project!! Cause I don't already have enough haha. Actually this was something I was so excited to do and had planned for quite some time. It's not finished yet, but it's not far off. As a side note, I legitimately love drawing on walls.

Days 52 - 54

July 22 - 24 2017 Saturday was spent finishing off all of the half put away things in preparation for a BBQ on Sunday. Seeing as we had decided having other actual human beings over less than 2 weeks after moving in, I figured we should try and make the house look respectable.  I succeeded!!  Yay! Sunday was, as already mentioned Barbeque Day!  And it rained. And rained. And rained with some wind.  *sigh* Nevertheless we had a great time and got to show everyone our new home!  Monday (today) was more hardware store shopping, some laundry organisation, more rain and I'm kind of over the weather actually. We also made a dog poop worm farm which was exciting and kind of fun. Well, fun for me because I wasn't the one drilling a gazillion holes in a rubbish bin haha.  Penelope Wonderwoman did find it very interesting though and was only slightly concerned when she realised that the worms were going to eat the dog poop! We did a ...

Day 51

July 21 2017 Little Miss Penelope Wonderwoman is now enrolled for school next year. 😐 😐 Our school year starts at the beginning of Feb and today we walked the literal few hundred metres and enrolled her. Mixed feelings. Her and I then planted a little garden, and upon proudly admiring our work came inside, only to find an hour later that the dog tried to eat the plants and they were no longer in said garden bed. 😑😑 Today I also painted the fireplace. It looks AWESOME. 😁😁

Days 49 - 50

July 19 - 20 2017 Yesterday was bedroom day! Although ... it isn't done. We can see the floor and I did take up all the carpet tacks (successfully, without personal injury. Yay, go me!) Today is errand day plus Miss Penelope has her 4 yr old immunisations in preparation for both enrolling in kindergarten (🤤🤤), and not catching a deadly preventable disease that was thought to be erradicated years ago but is back cause of crazy people who think they are smarter than medical science. Sorry for the too long sentence there 😂 Anywho ....

Days 47-48

July 17-18 2017 Monday was less than productive but in the spirit of #smallwins, we did get a couple of small but significant things done.  One, we got a new toilet and the leaking (well, constantly dripping more like) kitchen tap both got fixed. The plumber is seriously my Superhero of the Week. Such a gross job, but now we have a shiny new white non grungy, non leaking (yes, it was) toilet!! YAY!!  Very little got done in the way of unpacking, however we managed a walk / ride out in the winter sunshine to make sure the kids knew which way to go to get to school from our new home. We are less than 2km and they've been catching the bus (which they hate and was costing us $12 a week for the two of them.  Seeing as we are so close, they can ride (or walk, as apparently 15 year old girls are too cool to ride). It took 12 minutes to walk and obviously less than that for The Dude to ride. Aaaaaaand it's free. Cue happy dance hahaha.  So then yesterday wa...

Days 42 - 46

Aaaaaannddd we're in. I know I missed 4 days but I literally couldn't function 5 minutes after sitting down every night. I swear, this has been THE most disorganised, chaotic, crazy move in the history of crazy moves. Also, there may have been a few moments of yelling/frustration/exhaustion/fear-of-being-actual-hoarders. We have SO MUCH STUFF. I do feel like we are finally getting somewhere though now. And Penelopes' room is finished except for some black line re-doing on her mural.