20 days since blogging, my goodness I'm slack!!
Well....I don't know that I'd actually say slack so much as always busy, but either way it's time for an update! What have we been up to in the last few weeks? I've been working on getting my back better, going to physio weekly and will be starting Clinical Pilates tomorrow. I also have a back brace to wear when painting or doing anything else that makes my back hurt. I wish I'd had it sooner, I really do. It was suggested to me way back when I first hurt my back, but seeing as the doc didn't seem to think it would help I didn't get one. My physiotherapist said it would help and am I ever glad I took her advice! Best thing ever!! And then aside from the normal chaos that ensues around here, we had a party to get organised for! The lovely Miss Marny was turning 40 and her sneaky husband organised for a couple of us to make this awesome cake, and get a whole heap of stuff done for her big bash. Now, Marnster is a bit of a football fan (that's Aussie...