Would You Like Me Any Better, If I Was Eddie Vedder?

It's been almost two weeks since I posted anything on here and I am very sorry, but I have a good reason!! We have been (as per usual) very busy. After The Eldest One came back from her little jaunt interstate, we ran around like crazy people getting everything finished up and ready for school to start. Then a couple of days after that my Mum came over so that she could babysit for us because we had tickets to see the awesomer than awesome Mr Eddie Vedder! And not only did we 'have tickets', but we had tickets for two nights in a row!!! (And in case you were wondering, the title of this post is a lyric from a Local H song titled Eddie Vedder. The Awesome One was singing it a lot over the past week or so, so it's stuck in my head. And no....I wouldn't like him any better if he was Eddie Vedder, but I do so love EV. ;) )

So my wonderful mother got on a plane and flew across the country to watch Little Miss Penelope (and the others, although to be fair they could have managed on their own if it wasn't for the Little Miss).  Friday rolled around and The Awesome One had booked the day off work and we took ourselves up to the city early in the afternoon and had a day to ourselves wandering around record and comic book stores. We had Thai for dinner and then walked down to the Riverside Theatre, bought some merchandise and spent the better part of 3 and a half hours listening first to Glen Hansard, the Irish support who was fantastic, then Eddie himself.

To say the concert was great is an understatement. It was so so good! You may or may not be aware that The Awesome One and I met through the Pearl Jam fanclub forums and therefore it goes without saying that we are both huge fans. We hadn't been able to see the band yet together, so this was sort of a second best type of thing. Except that it wasn't second best. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

Then we got to do it all again on Saturday night, except this time we went with a couple of friends and had dinner at Jamie Olivers' Italian restaurant first. It was such a phenomenal weekend, and despite being incredibly tired, because let's face it I'm too old to go out two nights in a row, I think it might just have made my absolute year!!! (Yes, I do know it's only February!)

So while she was here my Mum took some great photos of the kids so I figured I would post some on here to reward you all for waiting for Penelope updates so patiently while I was off having an amazing time!

That last photo is just because, well....it's the beach! That is what sits almost literally on our doorstep (but if we want to be precise it's just under 500mts away).  While you've been looking at these lovely photos I thought I'd mention the lovely Andrea's blog - Hand and the Heart. She has been posting this wonderful series lately which is all about birth stories. Sometimes things just don't go as planned and I think it's awesome that she's encouraging women to talk about their experiences especially when they've been less than perfect or unexpected. So if you'd like to read mine and others, you can find them over at Hand and The Heart!

I will do my wholehearted best to not leave it almost two weeks before posting again: next time I might just ramble on a bit about how excited I am that we've booked our tickets for our trip to the US later in the year (we're going for a real American Thanksgiving, how exciting!).

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  1. Your family is so beautiful! I saw Pearl Jam in concert here in Seattle a few years ago. Sounds like a fun time away!

    1. I think if I was to see Pearl Jam in Seattle I might just die of excitement!! I do have my fingers crossed that they'll play Minneapolis in November so we can see them there, but I doubt it will happen haha!


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