We Made It Out Alive!
Well despite the best intentions of the return of the Bubonic Plague, we have all made it to the other side alive! The fact that the Social One seemed to have a wonderful time on her New Zealand trip, but brought back a killer flu, has only soured me a little on the idea of visiting the land of the Lord of the Rings. But if you'd asked me a week ago, well that might have been another story altogether...... Here she is, soaking up the snow and sun on a mountain somewhere. Just before our self imposed quarantine, we also had Penelope Wonderwoman's 2nd birthday! We celebrated it rather quietly, although she did seem to keep getting presents and cake every few days..... Yeah, so I'm not going to win any best parent awards for putting these photos up, but I never get to see all five of them together anymore! There is always someone not here. So I'll take the chance when I can to have photos of them together, pyjamas and all! ...