2013, A Look Back

Today is a stay at home do nothing kind of day - I don't even plan on getting out of my pj's. And so as I sit here and reflect on the past year it occurs to me that it has been pretty full on! So I thought I'd do a post on what happened, month by month. So much can change in 12 months, it's interesting to look back and remember things.....I wonder what 2014 will bring?


...saw as it always does, Miss Emily's birthday and mine as well as a big cross country move! On the way Penelope gave us quite the scare before we knew she was Penelope that is, and proved to us that she really is destined to be a superhero!

My Dad and The Awesome One packing our shipping container for the move

Driving across the Nullarbor Plain on the way to Western Australia
February came and we found out that our Little Lord Nibbler was actually going to be Little Lady Nibbler! The kids started school for the year, The Awesome One set up my art studio and I started running some art lessons. 

We may have discovered she was Wonderwoman instead of Batman, but to me in this ultrasound, she looked like a puppy :/

March brought with it the Little Dude's birthday, the halfway point of my pregnancy and our first wedding anniversary! Also this month I had work in the Mandjar Art Awards and made an alien costume for The Boys' assembly at school and The Awesome One started working again after almost three months off while we moved!

I thought it was a pretty impressive costume actually!

April of course holds The Awesome One's birthday, and was spent mostly making stuff for Little Lady Nibbler as she was known then.

Penelope's playmat turned out so well - I was so proud of myself for making it!
May brings with it The Social One's birthday - she turned 14! It also brought a fundraising day at the little kids' school; The Happy Walk - things beginning with C. Miss Emily dressed up as a cheerleader and The Boy was Captain America!


June was spent in a haze of blood glucose checks three times a day and monitoring what I ate; generally I was absolutely sick of being pregnant and gestational diabetes was just the icing on my already irritable cake!

While I thought I was so huge at the time, looking back I can see I was really not overly big comparatively speaking!
July and Little Miss Penelope made her arrival! Our beautiful little girl was 6lbs, 8oz and was induced two weeks early. 


August saw us get a second car (yay!), my Mum came to visit and meet the newest addition, we made an awesome cake for a special little girls' first birthday and The Eldest One got her very first job; an after school and weekend position at a fast food place. She really doesn't like it very much, but she does like the money!

September was the Eldest One's 16th birthday!! I still can't quite believe I'm old enough to have a 16 year old! Miss Emily had her netball awards night to close the season and we had our first real day out as a family (since Little Miss Penelope's arrival that is) when we went to the Perth Museum for the day. 

The Eldest One looks a little reluctant to have Happy Birthday sung to her!

Miss Emily and a couple of team mates at their sports award night.
October was when The Eldest One got her Learners' Permit!! Now I get to freak out officially. Also in October I opened my Etsy store, started this blog and we carved pumpkins!

  November this year was kind of hectic: the start of the month saw us hold an epic Halloween party with the coolest tulle costumes, and the rest of the month was spent preparing for the school fete where I had a stall with my art and paper products. 

December has been rather chaotic to say the least. I'm kind of glad it's almost over and we can take some time to relax and enjoy the summer holidays. This month we have seen The Social One participate in an art exhibition with her gorgeous clay works, my Dad's book has been published, Miss Emily received an award at school, and I was invited to have my artwork officially represented in a gallery for the first time! School finished up for the year, we saw Little Miss Penelope's first plays at the beach and in the pool and of course Christmas and our cheeky elf Bernards' antics cap off the month. 

It has certainly been a crazy and full on year! I'm not sure what 2014 will bring for us yet. There are a few certainties though: The Eldest One will be working hard studying for ATAR, which is what will get her into University to do Forensic Science in two years (if that's still what she wants to do that is!). The Social One will continue to be social and try to commit to too many things: although she will for sure continue with the school soccer program. Miss Emily will be in her last year of Primary School, and will almost certainly still play netball again over winter. The Boy will be halfway through his Primary School education and will continue to make us both laugh and shake our heads at his idiosyncrasies that make him who he is. Little Miss Penelope will start sitting and crawling and walking, and will continue to make the entire household smile every day. I will continue to create and The Awesome One will still be awesome. We will visit family, both interstate and overseas. But aside from that, what will happen in 2014 is still unknown. One thing is for sure though; 2014 will see us happy and healthy and in the end that's all that matters. 

Have a wonderful New Year, however you spend it and enjoy whoever you spend it with. See you all next year! ;)

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  1. I'll be there to get the new year (well February really) off to a great start.....can't wait.. xxx

    1. Can't believe it's just over a month away! Good thing we are going to a couple of concerts - I don't think I'll get a look in with the Little Miss while you're here! ;) She is so much fun now, you're going to love it and she's going to love playing with her Nana!

  2. Goodness you had a very busy 2013! All rather fabulous though :)

    1. Thanks! It was kind of busy....but then it almost always is! :)

  3. I love the month by month look back! I wish I was that organized! Looks like you had a great 2013!

    <3 Ariel
    -------------> crashingthroughglass.blogspot.com

  4. Haha, I don't know that I'm actually as organised as it appears! It took me a LONG time to get this post done, going back and forth to get photos and dates! :)


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